07 Dec Can you Feel the Seed of Light?
Can you Feel the Seed of Light?
December 6th, 2014
Happy Full Moon!
In just 2 short weeks we arrive at the Winter Solstice, the longest, darkest night of the year (and it’s right around the New Moon this year, so it will be especially dark!).
On this deep, dark night, we light our candles and warm ourselves by the fire with our loved ones. We have made it through the growing darkness. It is time to rejoice and make merry, for the light is returning!
We celebrate the rebirth of the Sun (aka the “son’).
From the Winter Solstice forward, the sun’s light grows stronger and the days begin to lengthen again.
I think of Winter Solstice as the holiday that unifies all of humanity. It is nature’s essential expression of what is celebrated in so many of the holidays at this time of the year: the light within the darkness.
As the Daoist yin yang expresses, within all light is darkness, and within all darkness is light.
Can we have compassion for the darkness we see and feel, knowing that inside of it is a seed of light, preparing to be birthed?
As the holiday season revs up, may we remember the essence of what we are honoring and celebrating throughout the world at this time, no matter our religion, race, creed, politics, etc.
May we let that essence connect and unify us.
May we find the seed of light, no matter how dark the experience.
May we trust the magic and mystery!
Deep bow,
Dayna Seraye
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