
authentic relating training

What is authentic relating?

To be human is to belong to an interconnected web of relationships — to self, to others and to the whole of life.

And yet we silly humans forget…

Isolation and disconnection are rampant in our modern times. We find ourselves unable to access or share our vulnerable truths, and just as afraid to receive the expression of others. The channels of relational exchange become sluggish or blocked and the life force of connection is stuck in stunted, looping patterns.

A plethora of dis-ease can manifest in every aspect of life. Can you relate?

I’ve been there and I know how much it hurts.

In my practice of relational coaching, I integrate the practices and teachings that have helped me most — authentic relating, somatic psychotherapy and yogic wisdom — to support you to restore the channels of connection within yourself and with others so that you may experience the well being and fulfillment you so deeply desire.


Thank you Dayna for our work together. It has helped my life tremendously. I came to you in a deep, dark place of anxiety. It was scary at first to open so much and work with the deep things inside of me, but you do that really effortlessly. You taught me how to work with the physical, mental, emotional sides of me and flip it into something that shows me this life is beautiful and I can be empowered in what I do and proud of who I am. And now I feel that I can go out into the world and not apologize for who I am. Its been an awesome experience and I am very grateful for the work we’ve done. – Amanda P.

My Approach

Together, we will take a look at your holograms — your unconscious, limiting patterns that impact every aspect of your life. With skill and awareness, we will begin to understand and therefore shift these patterns at the roots, creating more choice for you to show up the way you truly desire.

I’ll offer you practices and resources to support your transformative process, and teach you the skills to continue this work on your own.

In our sessions I learned different types of techniques — meditation, embodiment practices, communication skills, words of affirmation — how I can better talk to myself and break the patterns of negative thoughts. And that is something I use everyday. I keep a little note on my phone as a toolbox I can dip into when I need to, and go through what you’ve taught me and continually learn about myself and do the inner work to get to where I need to be. – Client, 2018

For Couples

Intimate relationships can be oh so challenging! And most of us didn’t have the best examples to learn from…

Often the tensions that occur with our beloved are miscommunications that go untended and unresolved. In our work together you will learn foundational relating and communication skills to support you to deepen intimacy and connection, and work through conflicts that arise.

Learning to navigate conflict well is essential to a thriving romantic relationship and I find the practices of Conflict Transformation especially effective for couples in these sessions. I will guide you to apply the principles and practices of authentic relating and conscious communication directly to your specific relational challenges.

My intention is to teach you these skills, so you can take them with you into your everyday interactions and create more ease and fulfillment in your relationship together.

African american family couple holding hands, black man friend husband support comfort woman wife, hope empathy concept, trust care in marriage relationship, honesty and understanding, close up view (African american family couple holding hands, black

Get Started Now

The sessions occur online via zoom and last one hour for individuals and 90 minutes for couples. I recommend you take time and space after the session to assimilate and integrate our time together. I will give you practices and “homework” to continue to work with the material.

Interested? Schedule a 30 minute discovery call with me today.