11 Dec Accept Your Genius
{New Moon} Accept Your Genius
What do you normally think of when you hear self acceptance?
Most of us immediately think of our darkest, ugliest, most “unlovable” parts. And yes, it is important to accept those shadowy parts.
But what about your brilliance?
Have you accepted the genius of your being?
Have you embraced your particular flavor of radiance?
As Marianne Williamson reminds us, “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
The world needs us to claim our power. But not in the old paradigm power over others way. Not in a competitive, one percent hierarchical way.
It is a paradigm of power that leads from the heart, that includes and creates space for others and encourages all other beings to shine as brilliantly as they are meant to.
It is a paradigm that heals and awakens and raises our collective vibration.
The challenge of our time is to choose the new path and learn to release the old, breath by conscious breath.
The glass is half full.
There is room for all of us to shine.
And we are all needed.
This December New Moon is a fertile time to offer your intentions and prayers.
And, the Winter Solstice (the New Moon of the Year) is around the corner. It is time to dream deep, feel your brilliant light within, and listen for how your genius wants to be birthed into the world.
You are invited to my Soul Tribe Solstice Gathering in Boulder, December 20th. We will create a sacred and celebratory space to invite forth our soul medicine wisdom as we practice, pray and play in honor of Winter Solstice. Join me!
Infinite blessings ~
P.S. ~ There is still room to join me in Bali in March for an alchemical yoga adventure of devotion, service and celebration. Plane tickets are around $600 right now and we are offering a $250 discount on the retreat for the holidays! Email me for more info.
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