18 Oct I called. The Goddess answered.
I called. The Goddess answered.
I am blown away by my invocation of the Goddess last full moon.
I called. She answered.
A revolution has happened.
Before I get into this Full Moon Mystery ~ Descent into Light, I want to tell you about my personal descent this past moon and why I am completely on board with this process.
So here it goes…my descent into light ~
In our Full Harvest Moon Mystery exploration last Full Moon we invoked Durga, the Great Mother of strength and protection. She is the Hindu Goddess from which all Her other aspects are birthed.
As my descent began, the first aspect of Durga to appear was Kali, the Goddess of endings and beginnings. She came roaring forth with intense ferocity that left all systems in chaos. My body went into a major health crisis, my 6 year relationship disintegrated, my home and town struggled to restore from the 1000 year flood, I got into a car accident, and my primary support people vanished.
Kali was not f***ing around.
She left me vulnerable, naked, raw and cracked wide open.
As Her force of radical change raged intensely in my life, I faced the shadows of my soul.
But through it all, I felt Her immense, immeasurable love.
From the depths of my own Underworld, I called out to the Divine for help and angels arrived – magically, miraculously, gracefully. My friends, family and community showed up big time.
Slowly the disintegration process ebbed and I felt Durga’s reflection as Lakshmi, the Goddess of Abundance, flow in. I felt abundantly loved, held, and nourished by those who supported me. As I began to rebuild my body and systems, I felt my inner radiance ~ my Lakshmi glow ~ not only restored but magnified to a whole new level.
I began to feel resourced. I knew I was going to be ok.
Durga’s aspect as Sarasvati, the Goddess of Art and Wisdom, showed up as well. I sang. I played my guitar and harmonium. I prayed. Inspiration flowed.
I felt connected to Her in a way I have never experienced before.
Now, coming through the other side of this Durga wave, I can honestly say that this experience has been one blessing after another. She broke me down and held me in my grief and rage while I faced the darkness of my soul. She lovingly brought me to my truth and reminded me of who I am, and why I am here. She blessed me, caressed me and cared for me while I gained strength.
She has shown me Her radical trustworthiness and devotion to me.
I have come through my personal Descent feeling the strength of my spirit and the depth of my light.
Descent into Light
Full Moon Mystery
This Full Hunter’s Moon we dive deep within. The nights are growing considerably longer. The leaves are beautiful as they fall to the ground. Death, letting go and change are the nature of the season.
As my story above illustrates, the dive into the darkness and the shadows of our soul is actually about finding the deep light within that holds us no matter what. Like the Goddesses Innana, Ishtar and Persephone, as we journey into the underworld we shed the layers of our ego, we show up naked and vulnerable in our truth, and we access our internal flame that lights our path no matter what.
Please join us in the Descent into Light for 13 Moon Mysteries of the Goddess Full Hunter Moon exploration.
Participate in your own time, as your life allows. We are together in Spirit.
Access this moon’s mystery here:
Descent into Light Full Moon Mystery.
Goddess Bless ~
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