20 Jan Cooked and Deliciously Tender
Cooked and Deliciously Tender
This past moon cycle has brought me to my knees…holy wow!
Once again, the Goddess brought me into the darkness to face the shadows of my Soul. Once again, I have experienced the fires of transformation, burning away the old stories, the fears, the doubts and confusion.
Once again I have emerged.
I am grateful. Each and every challenge that I experience helps me to clarify my purpose and my path. Each challenge is a teacher, nudging me if I am lucky, shoving me a bit more violently if I am not listening so well.
I choose to listen.
We are in a planetary ascension process. It is all happening so fast and intensively that we need do nothing but breathe and allow it to happen. No drama.
Simplicity. Center. Take good care. Keep our vibration high. Own our Truth.
While the intensity rages as we leave behind the old and enter the new, the most easeful path is one of personal responsibility. If we let ourselves fall into disempowerment as the victim, the martyr, the rescuer… we will simply spin in the chaos.
This is the conscious story of healing and transformation. We courageously look, feel, see and listen to the shadows. We burn in the fires of Kali until we are cooked and deliciously tender. And from there the Spirit of Renewal can lift us with Her grace into the new dawn.
The energy of this Super New Moon in Aquarius is ripe for great endings, followed by great beginnings. We must first close the door on the old story and let go with love, acceptance, gratitude and forgiveness. And when that is attended to with enough care, patience and diligence, and offered up fully, then we are free to move forward.
The new is juicy. The Crone gives way to the innocence and creative spark of the Maiden. Hope and trust are restored.
Almost one year ago I stood at the threshold of Imbolc and affirmed my intentions for clear yes’s and clear no’s – to be 100% in my choices. The Goddess has granted my wish.
Once again, with Imbolc on the horizon, I fully step in.
I pray that we may all fiercely love the fullness of our experience and the freedom it ultimately guides us toward. The lessons of the Soul are many. May we continue to meet ourselves, awake in the heart.
With love & gratitude,
Dayna Seraye
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