02 Feb Full Moon of Imbolc – Purge & Renew!
Full Moon of Imbolc – Purge & Renew!
Can you feel the fiery passion of the Full Moon approaching?
Astrologically, this Full Moon is accompanied by a Grand Trine with the Moon in Leo (Fixed Fire), trine Uranus in Aries (Cardinal Fire), trine Palles Athene in Sagitarius (Mutable Fire).
All this on the sacred celebration of Imbolc, the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The days are lengthening and spring is around the corner!
Imbolc brings renewal. The darkest days of winter are behind us. Ideally, we have met our shadows and reflected deeply on the wisdom and insights received in the dark stillness of these past moons. We are sooooo ready to let it all go.
On Imbolc, we light our sacred fires and give all the remaining dredge to this fire to cleanse, purge, and transmute the energy. If your winter has been anything like mine, it is high time to release it once and for all!
It is our pre-spring cleaning.
We let go of this season of the Crone.
We have danced deeply with Her, stewed thoroughly on Her lessons and digested as much as possible. Her wisdom has strengthened us to the core. We take all of that understanding and clarity with us as the Wheel of the Year turns and we welcome the Spirit of Renewal, the energy of the Maiden archetype.
We coax the Sun to warm the Earth. We entice the seeds hiding deep below the surface to begin to stir and awaken. We allow the seeds of our own dreams and aspirations to come alive with the promise of tomorrow and the growing season ahead.
Connecting to the Goddess is simple. She is Nature. We follow Her rhythms within our bodies and in the environment around us. Now we rest. Now we awaken. Now we grow. Now we to let go. The Wheel continues to turn and with each spiral we deepen our attunement to the Goddess within and all around.
On this sacred Full Moon of Imbolc, light a special candle or a fire in your hearth. Spend some time releasing the past to the fire, and ask the energy of the flames to transmute that energy back to Source. Forgive yourself and others for any wrongs committed. Give thanks for the lessons learned. Let go fully of all of the heaviness and weight. And then, with all that spaciousness, call in the Spirit of Renewal. Call in the lightness and the Light.
Abundant blessings,
Dayna Seraye
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