04 Mar Full Moon Magic ~ Trusting the Mystery
Full Moon Magic ~ Trusting the Mystery
Hello dear,
I recently heard something that resonated so deeply that my entire being sighed yessssssssssssss.
We are on a need to know basis…
with Spirit.
Let yourself really take that one in.
We are on a need to know basis with the Great Mystery.
What we need to know, will be revealed to us, exactly when we need to know it.
Does that make you do the happy dance like it does me?
In that knowing, all the worry, the fear, the doubt, the anxiety melts away. The over-efforting softens. The resistance dissolves.
And we surrender into TRUST…
…to trust that each of us is in the exact right place at the exact right time experiencing the exact right thing for our soul’s journey of evolution.
If we knew everything, it would be way too much for us in our human form. Spirit is so good to us. She knows exactly what we need, and gives it to us exactly when we are ripe to receive it.
And so we take one step forward at a time, listening.
Spirit often speaks in whispers. Sometimes She reveals her messages in outlandish ways, very different than a normal conversation. We must listen with our whole body, with our whole being.
With a quiet, confidant and trusting heart-mind, we listen with radical acceptance for the guidance that comes.
That is the way of the Embodied Priestess.
As the Spring Equinox approaches and the Full Moon shimmers in the sky overhead, may we each take another trusting step into the Great Mystery.
With great love,
Dayna Seraye
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