16 Mar Full Moon of the Equinox
Sacred Flow of the Waters…Let Go ~
Dear ones,
This glorious Full Moon heralds the Spring Equinox and World Water Day (March 22nd).
And She has guided me into an intense wave of Purification and Spring Cleaning.
“Sacred flow of the waters…let go.
Weaving our Love.
Surrender, release, purify, go deep,
Weaving our Love.”
I find myself clearing out the cobwebs of the corners of my home and heart.
As I gather bags of “stuff” to give away, I am also clearing away the energetic blocks and residue from my being – the last vestiges of Winter – creating SPACE for the Springtime flow.
At our 13 Moon Mysteries Imbolc retreat, we each stepped through the Threshold of Rhiannon with strong intentions for the cycle to come. My intention was a clear “100% Yes.” I choose to show up for my life with that feeling of YES, I am totally in.
And with every devoted intention, life provides us with the opportunities to perceive what is in our way from having that intention. We experience our obstacles as we unfold the layers of our beings that have held us back in the past.
The invitation is to consciously let go.
I recently offered my annual Women’s Yoga & Health Retreat in Bali. Our group had the incredible opportunity to go through the traditional Water Purification Ritual at the ancient Holy Water Temple outside of Ubud, Bali.
As we asked the Banyan tree for permission to enter the sacred space and purify, I felt profoundly blessed to experience this ancient Balinese custom. On each New Moon and Full Moon, the Balinese dress in their ceremony clothes and many of them head to the Water Temple to purify their minds, bodies and spirits.
We entered the holy water and made our offering to the Spirits. We stood in front of each holy water shower, and let ourselves feel what needed to be released. We prayed and asked for a blessing. With our hands cupped we drank the water 3 times, we splashed our third eye 3 times, and then we let the shower purify our crown chakra. As the holy water ran down our open eyes, we let ourselves see what was purifying.
Over and over again we purified, letting go of bad dreams, bad memories, bad promises. We purified each of our chakras. I finished the ritual and our guide asked me how I felt. Radiant.
As you experience your own stirrings of Spring, consider doing your own water purification ritual. Water is a living entity that responds to our thoughts and prayers. Offer a prayer. Ask for a blessing. Let your intuition guide you.
Read the Story of Sinann ~ The River Goddess Shannon
Water blessings ~
Dayna Seraye
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