15 Jan Full Wolf Moon – Dancing with the Serpent
Full Wolf Moon: Dancing with the Serpent ~
Dearest Friends,
The Full Wolf Moon greets us with her soft, supple glow. She radiates her light through the darkness, reflecting a clear path for us on Mother Earth below.
Let’s welcome Her in…
If we open to Her, she will reveal to us all that we need to see and feel.
For the past couple of weeks I have journeyed deeply into the mysteries of my soul. I have experienced the multidimensional nature of my being, and all beings. I have been turned inside out, upside down, and spun like crazy in the force of the wind.
The Goddess is speaking to me from the inside.
She is teaching me how to love myself, how to show up for myself no matter what, how to trust myself completely, and how to understand the potent nature of my being.
You see, I was divinely programmed from the beginning to be specifically me (as we all were) – unlike anyone else in the world…no matter how hard I’ve tried.
And trust me I’ve tried really hard. The lifetime of social programming that I have experienced has caused me to believe I should be something. I’ve dressed myself in masks. I’ve layered on the armor. I’ve tried to be like everyone else and to be liked by everyone else.
Fortunately, I now realize that it will never work. What is not mine, can never become mine. And what is mine, shall always be. What a relief!
Old energy and patterns are being revealed to me – to be processed and released – so that I can live my true nature. I’ve had thoughts and feelings that I haven’t had for a very long time. It feels awkward and intense, and at times ridiculously uncomfortable to be in my body.
And I realize that I am uncomfortable because I’ve outgrown these ways of being. They don’t fit anymore.
My serpentine being is shedding her skin once again.
As we shed the layers of social programming, we come closer and closer to our soul’s truth, our medicine path. It is far from a pretty process, but always beautiful.
So on this potent full moon, may we take off the masks and dance in the mysteries of who we really are.
In love and gratitude ~
Dayna Seraye
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