02 Apr The Journey of the Pink Moon
The Journey of the Pink Moon
Hey there ~
Welcome to the Pink Moon. Oh how fun!
This is the full moon that determines the start of Passover, Easter, the Buddhist New Year (Therevadin) and the Hindu celebration Hanuman Jayanti.
It is the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. We have crossed the threshold into the light half of the year. Fertility is in the air! Creation is happening! The bunny rabbits are multiplying and the birds are laying their eggs.
As we collectively celebrate in our own ways, we can attune to the central themes of the season – after the darkness comes the light…after death comes rebirth and resurrection.
What are you birthing?
What parts of you are ready to be resurrected?
The Pink Moon brings with it a full lunar eclipse (in which its pinkness will be transformed into the red of the Blood Moon), and we have another powerful opportunity to let go of the old stories.
If you find yourself in emotional upheaval and the throes of outdated energy patterns, center yourself in your heart and trust that it is moving up and out. We’ve got to feel it to heal it…so let it sequence out of your being without any resistance.
Now is the time and the new story is already being created.
Blessings on your path as an empowered creator!
Dayna Seraye
P.S. – The color pink helps us with acceptance. Wearing pink or visualizing pink is a great practice to help release resistance and surrender to our experience. Here is one of my favorite prayers:
- God(dess), grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
- The courage to change the things I can,
- And the wisdom to know the difference.
Join me for an upcoming Embodied Priestess Full Moon Temple!
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