13 May Feasting on the Fruits of Beltane
Full Flower Moon
Feasting on the Fruits of Beltane
The healing of the masculine and the feminine
is the work of our time.
Last weekend, we embarked on our Medicine Path of the Priestess Women’s Beltane Retreat fully aware of the enormity of our undertaking. We knew the intentions we were working with would stir us deeply. As women, we have immense trauma from our experience with men, both from this lifetime, and in our collective memory of thousands of years of patriarchal persecution.
As a community of women, we told our stories, we held each other, and we wove a tapestry of our collective experience in a female body.
We knew that in order to truly heal with the masculine and open to the experience that we profoundly desire with men, we must first let go of the deep-rooted residues of fear and oppression that we hold within ourselves.
The great mystic Lucia Renee talks of the roles of women and men in these paradigm-shifting times: “At this moment, women are being asked to stand in their power. Not to stand against something, not even to stand for something, but to stand in the energy of the Divine Feminine, an alignment where the polarity of for and against comes to rest.”
We must unplug ourselves, energetically, from the grid of patriarchy that exists within us as a result of our social conditioning. We must emerge like grass, and stand in our feminine power.
And for the men Lucia says, “At this moment, men have a very different task: to reclaim the energy of the heart, to honor women while they do their sacred work, and to process their response to the crescendo of female power.”
With this intention, we welcomed a few sacred men on the final day of our retreat to hold our prayer with us. The men were given the task of preparing the land for our Beltane Maypole Ritual, as well as the invitation to make an offering to the women and our sacred work.
The Divine Masculine showed up with the radiance of the sun and met us beyond our wildest expectations.
They guided us into an experience of being completely held, honored and cherished as the powerful feminine. We began at the Beltane fire where we were invited to burn a root, representing the release of the roots of fear within us that were already dead and simply needed to be dug up and burned. Yes.
They held a safe space for us and spoke tender words, and the tears flowed from our eyes and our hearts opened wide as they led us on a journey of receiving. In these men, we experienced healthy, balanced masculine energy.
We danced together in joy and love, and our lives were forever changed.
I am grateful beyond words for this past moon cycle and the deep study of the healing of the masculine and the feminine, both inside of us and in the world. And on this delicious Full Moon as we celebrate Lunar Beltane, may we honor all that we our healing and transforming in our own lives and for humanity as a whole.
May our hearts guide us and may we rejoice in the fruits of our devotion and love.
Blessings of the Goddess ~
Dayna Seraye
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