26 Nov Magnetize blessings into your life.
{Full Moon} Magnetize blessings into your life
Dear tribe ~
I am full of gratitude on this beautiful Full Moon.
The powerful practice of gratitude has been a part of my daily life for at least as long as I’ve been a mother. Every night for the past 11 years when I put my son to bed, we spend a few minutes giving thanks.
We give thanks to
Great Mother
Great Father
Great Spirit
Great Mystery
for all the blessings in our lives.
We give thanks for
the beautiful souls sharing this life with us…
our family
We give thanks for Mother Earth
the nourishment She gives us
the clean water we drink
the fresh air we breath
the health of our bodies and minds
all the beings that live on this planet in synergy
co-creating this miraculous life.
We give thanks for all the challenges
that help us to learn and to grow.
We give thanks for what is to come
all the blessings
And today, I give thanks for you. Thank you for reading these words and sharing the heart space here with me. Thank you for your courage to show up and do your work in the world. Thank you for the unique beauty that is you. Thank you for your essential part in the whole of life.
When we give thanks we fuel our awakening, we nourish our hearts, we train ourselves to focus on the positive and we magnetize more blessings into our lives.
May it be so. And so it is.
Blessed be ~
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