02 Dec New Moon Magic: In the Temple of the Night
New Moon Magic: In the Temple of the Night ~
Dear Friends,
Recently I awoke in the middle of the night and She was there. Or shall I say I was there – my Soul essence, one with the Goddess.
She (I) was beautiful.
As my wakefulness set in, She faded back out to the stars and a song was playing in my awareness ~
“I am the Goddess, I am your Light.
It is required to study, In the Temple of the Night
You are the Goddess, You are the Light.
Ancient teachings revealed, In the Temple of the Night.”
Wow. I gave thanks and went back to sleep to study some more.
While the conscious part of our minds is only about 2% online at any given moment, the subconscious mind accounts for the rest of that 98%. There is so much happening all the time that we are completely unaware of!
The Mystery School lies in accessing this vast knowledge that lies just below the surface. The subconscious speaks through images, sensations, dreams, emotions, myths, our bodies, art, nature… It speaks through the Temple of the Night.
In unearthing the mysteries of the subconscious we have the opportunity to heal – our past, present and future. Our subconscious holds the blueprint for who we are and what our life looks like in the conscious realm. Shift the blueprint, and life transforms.
As we continue descending into the darkest days of the year, it is the ideal time to get quiet, listen deeply and study the mysteries revealed in the Temple of the Night.
Let us pay close attention to our dreams, and to the signs and symbols that present themselves. And may we remember to invoke the Goddess to help us understand the mysteries and experience the transformative power of the dark.
If you missed the last Full Moon Mystery ~ The Art of Invocation ~ we offered 3 potent ways to invoke the Goddess to assist us in our transformation.
Blessings on this magical new moon. May the Temple of the Night nourish you deeply.
With love,
Dayna Seraye
P.S. ~ Let us know if you would like to receive details about our Medicine Path of the Priestess Imbolc Workshop + Ceremony February 1-3, 2014. This event is invite-only, so if you want to receive an invitation let us know you are interested!
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