16 Nov The Most Powerful Spiritual Cleanse That Exists
The Most Powerful Spiritual Cleanse That Exists ~
This Taurus Full Moon we have a powerful mystery teaching for you ~ The Art of Invocation.
We’ve just come through a tsunami of energies (Samhain and the entrance into the darkest 3 moons of the year, 2 eclipses, Mercury retrograde…). The Descent into Light has been rich and you may have discovered something about your shadow and the darker parts of yourself…
The question is how do we move all the way through to the other side?
Many of us get stuck in a cycle in which we may (or may not) have some awareness and understanding about what has calcified within us, but we stay in that pattern for way too long – months, years, lifetimes…
Unhealthy relationship dynamics, destructive belief systems, sitting on top of the fence in a place of “confusion” (that was me)…
Why? Because we are afraid.
We sit in the paralyzed grip of fear, not willing to face it fully, believing that if we do our worst fears will come true. But the truth is, that fear is absolutely controlling us from the shadow, and we will never break through to the other side if we do not courageously face it square in the face.
Its hard. It takes a lot of guts and deep breath, and the willingness to stay with it. But the renewal and vibrancy you will feel in the end is oh so worth it.
It is the most powerful spiritual cleanse that exists. And you know how good you feel after a cleanse…
The good thing is, the Goddess is 100% here to help us through. “Seek me at the crossroads, and you shall be transformed, for once you look upon my face, there is no return.”
The Art of Invocation
Invocation is the power of calling in specific energies to support you as needed.
In this Full Moon Mystery ~ The Art of Invocation ~ we offer 3 potent ways to invoke the Goddess to assist us in moving all the way through our stuck places so that we may fully surrender into our light.
The days continue to darken here in the Northern Hemisphere. Light your candles sisters and dive in. Renewal awaits you.
Access the Full Moon Mystery ~ The Art of Invocation here.
Blessed Be ~
Dayna Seraye
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