
One-On-One Coaching

Transformation Begins Within

To catalyze meaningful change in your relationships, career, or any facet of life, you must begin by turning within.

In our collaborative journey, I will serve as your steadfast ally and guide as you uncover blind spots and gain awareness of stagnant patterns that are hindering your growth and wellness. Together, we will navigate these insights to foster healing, empowerment, and creative choice.

What to Expect

My intention is to reconnect you with your intrinsic essence and innate brilliance.  With this in mind, I will support you to uncover and unwind the core material and patterning that underlies your reactive behaviors and your resulting life experiences, and to cultivate renewed ways of being and doing that bring you freedom and empower you to live fully and authentically.

I will teach you life-changing practices that you can use everyday to improve your relationships, feel more inspired and aligned, and create the impact you desire personally and professionally.


Thank you Dayna for our work together. It has helped my life tremendously. I came to you in a deep, dark place of anxiety. It was scary at first to open so much and work with the deep things inside of me, but you do that really effortlessly. You taught me how to work with the physical, mental, emotional sides of me and flip it into something that shows me this life is beautiful and I can be empowered in what I do and proud of who I am. And now I feel that I can go out into the world and not apologize for who I am. Its been an awesome experience and I am very grateful for the work we’ve done. – Amanda P.


My Approach

It is said that we can only take others where we ourselves have gone. For 30 years I’ve been passionately immersed in transformational practice and study, and as a mother of a 20 year old, I have been through the fires of life many times. My background in leading authentic relating training, facilitation and leadership training, somatic psychotherapy, transformational coaching, yoga and earth-based wisdom provides me with ample tools to meet you in your evolution.

Together, we’ll explore the transformation you want to create in your life. I’ll offer you practices and resources to support your healing process, and teach you the skills to continue this work on your own.

In our sessions I learned different types of techniques — meditation, embodiment practices, communication skills, words of affirmation — how I can better talk to myself and break the patterns of negative thoughts. And that is something I use everyday. I keep a little note on my phone as a toolbox I can dip into when I need to, and go through what you’ve taught me and continually learn about myself and do the inner work to get to where I need to be. – Client, 2018

Let’s Get Started

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call to uncover whether our partnership can spark profound transformation for your life.

During this 20-minute call, we’ll connect deeply and explore how our work together can empower and elevate your journey.