30 Jul YES to Abundance & Egyptian New Year
{Full Moon Magic} YES to Abundance & Egyptian New Year
Hi tribe,
Sirius is rising. Can you feel the flood of delicious feminine energies?
Sirius is the star of the great Goddess Isis. After disappearing from the sky for a few months she makes her grand reappearance at dawn just before the sun right around now each year.
It is the Egyptian New Year!
The ancient Egyptians believed Sirius (Isis) brought the flooding of the Nile River and the abundance and life-sustaining nourishment that came with it.
It is also the Full Moon of Lughnasadh, the Celtic festival of the First Harvest. This festival heralds the great abundance of crops in our gardens and we delight in the deliciousness of life. Spiritually we harvest the “fruits” of our labors. What have we nurtured to abundance in this past growing season?
It is a time of fruition and the feminine is leading the way. Our Earth Mama is bountiful. Pachamama is round and ripe. The Goddess showers us with her abundant nourishment and love.
This is a time of infinite possibilities.
This is a time to say YES and receive.
Blessed be the Goddess in each of us.
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